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  • Full Durham Report 306 Pages

    Read The Full Durham Report Here – 306 Pages

    John Durham’s Full 306 Page Report On Matters Related To Intelligence Activities & The 2016 Presidential Election In a highly anticipated turn of events, the Durham Report has emerged as a defining moment in the realm of political investigations. Spearheaded by U.S. Attorney John Durham, the report has captivated the attention of the nation, shining …

  • Obamagate Not a Conspiracy Theory

    Obamagate Not a Conspiracy Theory

    4 min readArticle by: David HarsanyiMay 12, 2020· Obamagate Those sharing #Obamagate hashtags on Twitter would do best to avoid the hysterics we saw from Russian-collusion believers, but they have no reason to ignore the mounting evidence that suggests the Obama administration engaged in serious corruption. Democrats and their allies, who like to pretend that President …

  • True Story Typewriter

    CIA Coined and Weaponized The Label “Conspiracy Theory”

    Ever been called a “conspiracy theorist”? Ever wonder where that term came from? In 1976 the New York Times obtained a document they requested via the Freedom of Information Act. This document was a C.I.A. Dispatch labeled “psych” for “psychological operations” that was distributed in 1967, indicating they coined the phrase “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists” to …

  • Highlights Of WikiLeaks Podesta Files

    Highlights of WikiLeaks Podesta Files

    Wikileaks:The Podesta Emails John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s current campaign Chairman and former Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton Emails from Podesta Files; Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.  [October 13, 2016]  “Not one person has identified even a single email or document released by WikiLeaks of questionable authenticity.” – The Intercept    “WikiLeaks has a perfect decade …

  • Russia suspends only remaining major nuclear treaty with US

    Russia suspends only remaining major nuclear treaty with US

    Russian President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that Moscow was suspending its participation in the New START treaty — the last remaining nuclear arms control pact with the United States — sharply upping the ante amid tensions with Washington over the fighting in Ukraine. Speaking in his state-of-the-nation address, Putin also said that Russia should stand ready to …

  • A Requiem For Q

    Who is Q?

    “[The war on America] is not a shooting, but a psychological war. Its battlegrounds are not physical but mental. Its most potent weapons are not nuclear, chemical or biological, but deception, propaganda, disinformation, lies and manipulation, and it has worked to perfection”. – Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order- The Secret War Against …

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